Using teamwork, creativity and media production to deliver active learning and deeper understanding of social issues…


We use digital media to deliver social and community messages in schools on behalf of public bodies and private organisations.

We provide lesson plans and a range of online tools to enable teachers to deliver workshops on important issues such as health, personal safety, careers, the environment and the risks and consequences of being involved with criminal activity.

In the Spotlight

The film we made with the Mentors in Violence Prevention students at Christ the King High School in Southport, supported by the talented Raise team at MYA, was featured on ITV News in a report reflecting the town’s response to last summer’s horrific attack.Ā  It’s powerful and empathetic – watch the full film here (link to YouTube).

More About Us


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Can we help?

Collaborate DigitalĀ brings realĀ life into the classroom. Ā We use critical thinking, creative writing and media production to help young peopleĀ engage with important social and community issues, tying in with key areas of the National Curriculum.

ā€œFrom beginning to end, working with Collaborate Digital on these VAWG educational workshops has been fantastic. Their level of expertise and facilitation skills have created an incredibly engaging and impactful experience for both staff and students within these settings on what is a difficult and often misunderstood topic for young people.ā€

Hannah Gray, Domestic Abuse & VAWG Lead, North Somerset Council

Public and Private Sector Partnerships

How do you get a serious message about health, personal safety or emotionsĀ across to young people without having them glaze over? Ā Collaborate Digital’s innovative, media-driven workshops encourage students in primary and secondary school to engage with tough issues.

Do you have a social or community message you want young people to hear?Ā  Corporate Social Responsibility is moving up the agenda of most businesses – Collaborate Digital will recruit schools to engage with your brand, study the issues you find important and demonstrate their understanding though audio, video and social media.

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Collaborate Digital